Dr. James Hollingsworth talks about Hypnotherapy and its uses in medicine and in performance enhancement as part of his medical practice. …
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Author: HealthyConclusions.com
The Future of Immunity Conference: Spokane
PODCAST: Dr. Michael Karlfeldt explains the nature of Naturopathic Medicine
Michael Karlfeldt explains the nature of Naturopathic Medicine and how it is used to heal the body naturally.
He runs The Karlfeldt Center located at 2921 S Meridian Rd, Meridian, …
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PODCAST: Dr. Gary Shohet Naturopathic physician talks with Bob Neugebauer about Thyroid Disease and Autoimmune diseases
Dr. Gary Shohet, a Naturopathic physician, talks with Bob Neugebauer about Thyroid Disease and Autoimmune diseases. You can reach him at http://www.boisenaturalmedicine.com …
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PODCAST: Bob Neugebauer discusses Ozone Therapy and The Importance of Vitamin ‘D’ with Dr. Mark Vance
Bob Neugebauer discusses Ozone Therapy and The Importance of Vitamin ‘D’ with Dr. Mark Vance. Dr. Vance can be contacted at info@vancemedical.com. …
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